Every sector, from planes to trains to automobiles, is governed by an evolving set of laws and regulations within which it can grow safely, create commercial opportunities for investors and deliver better public services while keeping the environment safe as …
The UK has been a pioneer in space technology for over 50 years.
In 2017, I was fortunate to win the UK Space Agency’s SatelLife competition, where young people put their ideas forward of how satellites could help improve life on Earth. Winning this gave me the opportunity to meet my space hero, …
The International Charter: Space and Major Disasters, better known as the Disaster Charter, was formed on 20 October 2000 by the European Space Agency (ESA), French Space Agency (CNES) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), with the UK joining in …
63 years ago, our world changed. Sputnik was launched.
Its launch date, 4 October, marks the start of this year's World Space Week, with the theme Satellites Improve Life.