Watch out - Space Trash Signs is About!

The Space Trash Signs initiative aims to increase public awareness of space pollution.
The Space Trash Signs initiative aims to increase public awareness of space pollution.
As the ERS-2 climate mission starts its burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere, our Space Exploration Special Adviser Sue Horne talks about how the mission has spanned her career in space.
Astroscale's ADRAS-J mission is set to launch soon. Learn why tackling large items of space debris is so important.
Space debris prompts questions about how well we look after our environment, and what we can do to be better custodians in the future. Although advanced technical societies have come to increasingly rely on space based infrastructure, they have, so far, failed to meaningfully address the scale of accruing orbital debris. Only very recently has the awareness of space debris as a severe risk to both space and Earth infrastructures increased within the space community.
Minimising the impact of space debris is crucial to preserve infrastructure that supports day-to-day activities and life on Earth and in space.
The UK is pioneering a path to make satellite operations in Earth orbit sustainable in order to help mitigate damage from orbiting space debris.
The UK-built European Space Agency wind-observer Aeolus spacecraft returns to Earth.
Ensuring the safe and sustainable use of space is a priority for the UK Space Agency as part of the National Space Strategy. But how do we achieve this?
A guest blog from Oxfordshire-based Astroscale, celebrating World Space Week with the theme of Space and Sustainability.