The night sky in August

If you’ve been thinking about trying a night of star-gazing, August is the perfect month to try.
If you’ve been thinking about trying a night of star-gazing, August is the perfect month to try.
Even though the shorter nights prevail for the next couple of months, the summer months are a great opportunity to see many of the most exciting astronomical sights. Noctilucent clouds, the core of our Milky Way galaxy, the summer …
The shortest night of the year falls on 21 June, with the sun being below the horizon for less than eight hours. And as well as many fascinating night sky sights to see, this month also hosts an exciting day-time …
Find out what you can see in the UK night sky this month!
Following last month’s equinox, the nights are now shorter than the days, but there’s still plenty of time for spotting spectacular celestial sights this month.
The Spring or ‘Vernal’ Equinox Having heralded the approach of spring in last month’s blog (which was promptly followed by snowfall across much of the country!), March sees celestial proof that the seasons are changing, with the spring equinox taking …
As the Earth travels around the Sun, the stars and constellations that are visible to us on the night side of our planet gradually change, and those changes are a fascinating way to track the passing and arrival of the …
2021 brings a host of exciting celestial sights, so join us each month to find out what you can see in our night skies.
The longest nights of the year fall in December, allowing astronomers plenty of time to get out and enjoy the night sky - and there’s plenty to see this month! Jupiter - Saturn conjunction December provides us with a rare …
There's plenty of reasons to wrap up warm and spend some time under the stars this November.