It's dinner, but in space!
As you may well remember, earlier in the year we asked the children of Great Britain to design a meal that they thought British ESA astronaut Tim Peake would like to eat in space.
As you may well remember, earlier in the year we asked the children of Great Britain to design a meal that they thought British ESA astronaut Tim Peake would like to eat in space.
If you have been following space activity over the last year you can’t have missed the story of Rosetta, the ambitious mission to chase, orbit and land a probe on the surface of a comet. To achieve this Rosetta has been …
If you have ever wanted to chat to an astronaut, find out what it’s like to chase a comet or simply ask how space research benefits us, then tune in to one of our ‘tweet the expert’ sessions.
...Space Propulsion Star Dundee If you’re planning on attending the IAC in Toronto please do stop by the UK pavilion, stand numbers 309 and 508. I shall look forward to...