Crowds turn out for launch of UK Space Agency’s Space for Everyone tour

The first leg of the UK Space Agency’s Space for Everyone tour was a resounding success, as hundreds turned out to see the 72 ft model rocket in Southampton.
The first leg of the UK Space Agency’s Space for Everyone tour was a resounding success, as hundreds turned out to see the 72 ft model rocket in Southampton.
UK Space Agency Future Markets Lead, Daniel Jones writes about chairing the Agency’s first Space Investment Forum on Tuesday 16th May at the Institute of Directors in London.
Tickets are now available for the UK Space Agency's Ignite Space event - Tuesday, 7 March 2023, Aerospace Bristol
Ignite Space is coming to Aerospace Bristol on Tuesday 7 March 2023, where companies within the UK space sector will have the chance to network, and showcase services and products beneath the iconic Concorde Alpha Foxtrot.
Behind the scenes at the recent European Space Agency Council of Ministers - including new UK astronauts!
The next meeting of the European Council of Ministers will take place in November in Paris. But what is it all about?
Edward Baker reflects on the 4th Summit for Space Sustainability and how ambitious UK plans will benefit space users around the world.
Last week (8-13 May) the UK Space Agency sponsored the Space Propulsion Conference 2022 in Estoril, Portugal.
Hosted among the iconic red sandstone formations and mountain views of Colorado Springs in the United States, I attended the 37th Space Symposium last month alongside colleagues from the UK Space Agency. We were joined by partners from the Department for …
Sunday, 18 June 2017, marks one year since British ESA astronaut Tim Peake returned to Earth after his historic mission to the International Space Station. Since then the UK Space Agency has continued to deliver the largest education programme in …